


Care Home site, Centre West Phase, Kingsgrove, Oxfordshire






Reserved Matters application for the construction of a 72bed care home (Use Class C2), with associated access, parking, landscaping, plant, and site infrastructure, pursuant to outline planning permission P19/V1269/FUL.  Details submitted in accordance with conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 48 and 54. As amended by plans and information received 29 September 2021 and 28 October 2021.



Andrew Crawford

Patrick O'Leary



Care UK



Stuart Walker






To approve the Reserved Matters, subject to the following:




1.   Approved plans

2.   Travel Plan implementation



1.   Details pursuant to conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33,

      34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 48 and 54 of outline planning permission

      P19/V1269/FUL are agreed for this phase through the approval of the

      Reserved Matters application.


2.   The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the

      relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase

      (e.g., CEMP & LEMP implementation).





This application comes to Planning Committee as Wantage Town Council object to the proposal.




The application seeks Reserved Matters approval of layout, scale, appearance, access, and landscaping for the care home on the Crab Hill strategic site.  It proposes a 72bed care home with associated parking, open space, and landscaping, on an approximately 0.45ha site located on the western side of the neighbourhood square (in the ‘Centre West’ parcel). A location plan is attached at Appendix 1.  The application also seeks to partially discharge numerous outline conditions (where relevant to the care home proposal).




The 72bed care home is set over three storeys and will provide accommodation to residents with a range of care needs, from residential to full nursing care.  The ‘U’ shaped building is set to the north of the plot, with a private garden space and vehicle access from the south.  When operational, it will provide around 83 full time equivalent jobs.  34 car parking spaces are proposed, including two disabled spaces and two spaces for dual use as an ambulance bay and a delivery bay.  Secure and sheltered cycle store facilities are also proposed.




The proposed development has been designed and developed to accord with the approved masterplan, site wide strategy and design guidance documents.  The proposal has also been amended to take account of comments received from OCC highways, the drainage engineer, and the landscape officer.  All plans and supporting documents accompanying the application are available to view online at The latest layout plan and elevations are attached at Appendix 2.






A summary of the responses received is set out below.  Comments made can be viewed in full online at



Wantage Town Council

October Amendment – Objection:

·         Wantage Town Council's concerns regarding the shared parking spaces remain. We believe that if these two facilities ultimately end up sharing parking spaces, then the use can't be determined individually and separately. To properly assess the suitability of the use of shared parking spaces for the care home use and community hall we feel a single assessment across both plans is necessary.

·         The concerns about pedestrian safety and connectivity have still not been satisfied. In the latest version the pedestrian footpath on the southern side does not appear complete - it is not continuous.


September Amendment – Objection:

·         Concern there is a lack of parking spaces for the 72bed care home.

·         Following review of the new information submitted by the applicant our concerns remain the same. The application states 36 parking spaces are available, 8 of these are shared with the community building and it is difficult to see these will be easily available. One is for an ambulance and one is a delivery bay. This would suggest 26 parking spaces are available for visitors and staff on the site of the care home.

·         There are 24 parking spaces (including 2 disabled spaces). We are concerned that the shared parking spaces are used in any calculation for parking provision for the care home as it is likely they will not be available - especially in peak periods of use for the community building.

·         Considering the number of employees (83 Full time equivalent as suggested in the planning statement) and the likely method of travel, Wantage Town Council still considers that there is not enough provision for parking for staff and visitors.

·         On reviewing more carefully the design of the shared car parking opposite the care home and parking within the care home we would suggest this is looked at again from a pedestrian safety point of view. There doesn't appear to be clear segregation or marked pedestrian routes. It is also considered that it would be potentially preferable to have the pedestrian path protected by a kerb rather than having the cars set back and we would like this to be re-considered.


Original Plans – Objection:

·         Concern over the lack of parking spaces. 

·         Support OCC objection.



No responses received.


Wantage and Grove Campaign Group

October Amendment – no further response received.


September Amendment – Objection:

·         We continue to object to this application on the grounds of insufficient parking for residents and staff.


Original Plans – Objection:

·         We object to this application on the grounds of insufficient parking for residents and staff.  72 units should have 72 parking spaces with the addition of spaces for staff without using spaces assigned to other buildings.


Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

October Amendment – no further response received.


September Amendment – no further response received.


Original Plans – Objection:

·         Financial contribution towards expansion of Wantage PCN practices is required. (This is not material to the assessment of a Reserved Matters application).


Oxfordshire County Council

October Amendment

Transport: No objection:

·         Following the submission of a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit undertaken in relation to the proposed access road adjacent to the site, the Audit Team have confirmed that the amended plans submitted within the designer’s response address the safety issues previously raised in relation to pedestrian connectivity.


Lead Local Flood Authority: No objection.


Archaeology: No objection.


September Amendment

Transport: Holding objection:

·         Pedestrian footways are required along both sides of the carriageway.

·         It is considered that the car parking provision is appropriate in this instance and it is noted that cycle parking demand will be monitored through the travel plan and increased if required.

·         The amended travel plan and CEMP are acceptable.


Lead Local Flood Authority: No objection.


Archaeology: No objection.


Original Plans

Transport: Holding objection:

·         Revised swept path analysis required.

·         Revised access to be designed as a bell-mouth, not a crossover as shown.

·         Pedestrian footways are required along both sides of the carriageway.

·         Further evidence on car and cycle parking provision is required.

·         Revised Travel Plan and CEMP required.


Lead Local Flood Authority: Holding objection:

·         Further information required on where the site will drain to.


Archaeology: No objection.


Drainage Engineer

October Amendment – No objection:

·         The technical notes dated 20 Sept and 12 Oct are considered to satisfactorily address previous comments.


Original Plans – Holding objection:

·         Clarity and further information required on whether discharge rates accord with site wide drainage strategy.


Thames Water

October Amendment – no further response received.


September Amendment – No objection.


Original Plans – No objection:

·         The foul water condition can be discharged based on the information submitted.


Environmental Health – Contamination

October Amendment – no further comment.


September Amendment – No objection:

·         No further observations to add following previous response.


Original Plans – No objection:

·         The content of the ground investigation report satisfactorily addresses the requirements for submission of a Phase 2 comprehensive intrusive investigation. No significant contamination has been identified.

·         In respect of the land contamination assessments undertaken the application site would appear to be suitable for the proposed care home development.

·         No further contaminated land assessments are necessary for the care home development.


Environmental Health – Protection

October Amendment – no further comment.


September Amendment – No objection.


Original Plans – No objection:

·         So long as the mitigation measures proposed in the SLR report (SLR Ref: 402.40000.00020 Version No: 1 June 2021) are implemented, conditions 27 and 29 can be discharged.


Landscape Officer

October Amendment – No objection.


September Amendment – No objection:

·         The amended information has addressed previous comments.


Original Plans – Holding objection:

·         Minor revisions to hard and soft landscape scheme required. 

·         I think due to the nature of the site, wildflower meadows would not be appropriate, I suggest Emorsgate EL1 Flowering Lawn Mixture would be a suitable alternative.

·         I note the Visualisation indicated a green wall just south of the main entrance into the building but there are no climbing plants indicated on the Softworks plan to reflect this. Clarification of this feature is required.

·         If possible, some trees should be added to the planting areas south of the main car park. These are to break up the mass of the car park and add additional trees to the street scene.


Urban Design Officer

No response received.

Waste Management Team

October Amendment – No comment.


Original Plans – No objection:

·         As the care home will use a private commercial waste collection rather than the council's household waste collection, no comment.






P20/V3129/PEJ - Advice provided (25/02/2021)

Construction of a 72bed care home (Use Class C2), with associated access, parking, landscaping, and site infrastructure.


P19/V1269/FUL - Approved (22/08/2019)

Variation of conditions 1(approved plans), 7(Housing Delivery Document), and 17(phasing plan) of planning permission P17/V0652/FUL


P18/V2992/RM - Approved (11/03/2019)

Reserved Matters application for 174 dwellings (Phase 2B / Centre West) and approval of details in relation to this phase for conditions 4, 7, 9, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29, 32, 36, 37 attached to P13/V1764/O and P17/V0652/FUL.  As amended by plans received 8 February 2019.


P18/V2787/RM - Approved (28/02/2019)

Reserved Matters application for infrastructure works including internal roads, car parking, landscaping of open spaces and the civic square.  As amended by plans received 28 January 2019.  As amended by plans received 6 February 2019.


P17/V3248/RM - Approved (02/05/2018)

Reserved Matters application for infrastructure works including ground levelling, internal access road, service diversions and landscaping (as amended by plans and information received 20 March 2018).


P17/V0652/FUL - Approved (27/11/2017)

Variation of Conditions 1 (amended parameter plans), 33 (additional land to be included within the Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) and 52 (vehicle access) of Planning Permission P13/V1764/O (as amended by letter received 23 March 2017).


P13/V1764/O - Approved (13/07/2015)

Outline application for residential development of up to 1500 dwellings including new employment space (use class B1), a neighbourhood centre/community hub (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C2, D1 and D2), new primary school, central park, ancillary areas (including allotments and sports pitches) with access off the A338 Grove Road and three accesses off the A417 Reading Road. Provision of a strategic link road between the A417 and the A338 Road to be known as the Wantage Eastern Link Road (WELR). All matters reserved except means of access to the development and the WELR.  Additional information received as amplified by agent's covering letter dated 30th October 2013 and agent's e-mail dated 10th December 2013.






A Reserved Matters application is considered a new application for planning permission under the 2017 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.  The outline application was EIA development and was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) and an addendum update statement, and the following areas of potential impact were addressed: landscape and visual impact; transport; historic environment; ecology and nature conservation; water resources and flood risk; noise; air quality; socio-economic impacts; cumulative effects and residual effects and mitigation.



It is considered this Reserved Matters application falls within the ambit of the approved ES, and a further addendum is not required for this application.






The main issues in this case are:


1.    The principle of development

2.    Layout

-       Residential amenity

3.    Appearance and Scale

4.    Landscaping

5.    Access

6.    Technical matters

-       Parking

-       Flood risk and drainage

-       Conditions



The principle of development

The site is allocated for development in the Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031, Part 1 and outline permission for a housing led mixed use development, including Use Class C2, was granted in July 2015 with variations to parameter plans permitted in November 2017 and August 2019 There are no material changes in planning policy and the established principle of the proposal remains acceptable.




The layout is acceptable and accords with the approved neighbourhood development brief.  The building has been designed / positioned to front public space with private amenity space in the centre, to provide a coherent environment for all users and a sense of enclosure.  The layout responds positively to principles of site design guidance.  The proposal accords with policy CP38.



Residential amenity

The layout provides an appropriate design response to existing dwellings on adjoining phases.  Proposed boundary treatments and external lighting are acceptable.  The impact on existing neighbours is acceptable and the proposal accords with policy DP23.



Overall, the proposal is considered compliant with the site wide design strategy, adopted design guide principles and policy CP37.



Appearance and Scale

The proposed development is acceptable.  The impact of height was previously assessed under application P19/V1269/FUL and was found to be acceptable and the proposed building accords with the approved height parameter plan.  Residential properties of three storeys have been approved as part of Reserved Matters for land to the west and south of the site.  The design of all the external elements of the proposal is considered to make a positive contribution to its appearance, with attractive contemporary and traditional design, form, and scale, together with the proposed materials, landscape treatment and the relationship of buildings within their environment.




A detailed landscaping scheme is submitted with the planning application.  The content of the scheme is acceptable, and the landscape officer has no objection to the amended proposal, with changes made to both hard and soft landscaping to address the landscape officer’s initial comments.  The proposal accords with policy CP44.




The Highway Authority has assessed the amended proposal and raises no objection in respect of highway safety and vehicle ingress / egress or vehicle circulation within the site.  The proposal accords with policy DP16.



Technical Matters


There is a mix of on street parking (unallocated and shared with other neighbourhood centre users) and on plot parking to serve the development.  34 new parking spaces are proposed.  Notwithstanding, concerns have been raised by the Town Council and local campaign group.  There is no specific or adopted guidance on parking ratios for C2 uses.  The Highway Authority has assessed the proposal on its own merits and raises no objection to the level of parking provision.  Officers also consider the provision is reasonable to meet the site’s operational needs when taking account of the accessible location of the development (adjacent to public transport facilities and within a neighbourhood centre, close to housing), staff on site at any one time (in theory up to 48 staff during the afternoon changeover between shifts), the opportunity for sustainable travel choices including cycling and walking (promoted through the travel plan) and the use of shared parking facilities adjacent to the site.  Officers advise a refusal on grounds of insufficient parking would therefore be difficult to defend on appeal.



In addition, secure and sheltered cycle parking is proposed on site supported with dedicated staff lockers and changing areas within the proposed care home building.  Such facilities will encourage sustainable travel patterns to the site.  The total number of cycle parking spaces proposed is 12 and it is noted that the demand for cycle parking will be monitored as part of the Travel Plan and increased if required.  This is considered acceptable and accords with policies CP33, CP35 and CP37.  The implementation of the Travel Plan can be secured by condition.



Flood Risk and drainage

A sustainable drainage scheme has been submitted which is acceptable. The drainage engineer raised an initial holding objection as insufficient detail had been provided.  The applicant has since addressed this with a supporting technical note and the proposal is compliant with policy CP42.




The application seeks to partially discharge numerous conditions on the outline permission that are directly related to this phase of development.  The details submitted pursuant to conditions 8 (RM drawings), 17 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 19 (Energy strategy), 20 (Energy efficiency), 21 (landscaping), 23 (tree protection), 24 (landscape management), 27 & 29 (noise mitigation), 30 (hours of use), 31 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan), 33 (contamination), 34 (lighting), 35 (waste management), 37 (sustainable drainage), 38 (drainage strategy), 43 (materials), 48 (access) and 54 (BREEAM certification) are acceptable.





This application has been assessed against the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and all other material planning considerations.  In considering the application, due regard has been given to the representations received from statutory and other consultees. These have been considered in assessing the overall scheme.



The site is allocated in the adopted local plan and there is an extant outline planning permission on the site for up to 1500 dwellings with associated C2 uses.  Reserved Matters have also been previously approved for adjoining parcels of development and are under construction.



Reserved Matters details submitted in this application are acceptable.  Subject to the recommended conditions, the application should be approved.



The following planning policies have been considered:


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (LPP1) Policies:


CP01  -  Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP03  -  Settlement Hierarchy

CP04  -  Meeting Our Housing Needs

CP07  -  Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services

CP15  -  Spatial Strategy for South East Vale Sub-Area

CP26  -  Accommodating current and future needs of the ageing population

CP33  -  Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

CP35  -  Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37  -  Design and Local Distinctiveness

CP38  -  Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

CP39  -  The Historic Environment

CP40  -  Sustainable Design and Construction

CP42  -  Flood Risk

CP43  -  Natural Resources

CP44  -  Landscape

CP45  -  Green Infrastructure

CP46  -  Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity



Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (LPP2) Policies:


DP16 - Access

DP17 – Transport Assessments and Travel Plans

DP21 - External Lighting

DP23 - Impact of Development on Amenity

DP24 - Effect of Neighbouring or Previous Uses on New Developments

DP25 - Noise Pollution

DP26 - Air Quality

DP27 - Land Affected By Contamination

DP28 - Waste Collection and Recycling

DP36 - Heritage Assets

DP39 - Archaeology and Scheduled Monuments



Neighbourhood Plan

In 2016, the independent examiner inspecting the Wantage Neighbourhood Plan recommended that the plan shouldn’t proceed to a referendum. A revised neighbourhood plan has yet to be submitted.  Accordingly, no weight can be given to this plan.



Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents


Vale of White Horse Design Guide SPD


Vale of White Horse Developer Contributions SPD



National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance



Other Relevant Legislation


Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken in account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report.



Equality Act 2010

In determining this planning application, the Council has regard to its equality obligations including its obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.



Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act) 1990

Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998

Section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006

The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010


Author:          Stuart Walker

Contact No:   01235 422600
